Patient Cards
In the past, it was relatively easy for an intruder to walk unchallenged around a hospital, accessing areas meant only for authorized staff. In rare cases, this led to security breaches where babies were removed from pediatric wards.
Contactless smart cards are addressing this physical access problem by using encryption to offer differing levels of building access to certain staff. For example, a cardio-thoracic surgeon would require access to the operating theatre, while a registrar might need access to all the wards in the hospital.
Contactless smart cards are addressing this physical access problem by using encryption to offer differing levels of building access to certain staff. For example, a cardio-thoracic surgeon would require access to the operating theatre, while a registrar might need access to all the wards in the hospital.

Medical professionals can also use Patient smart card to access sensitive patient data on a network. So as well as safeguarding the security of patients' personal information, using a smart card for logical access can also create efficiencies in terms of time.
Our Hospital card solution cost effectively produces durable, attractive and secure identification cards. We offer a turnkey plastic card printing, workflow and forms management solution to improve your existing identification processes and save your organization money.
Our Hospital card solution cost effectively produces durable, attractive and secure identification cards. We offer a turnkey plastic card printing, workflow and forms management solution to improve your existing identification processes and save your organization money.

If a doctor can access crucial IT systems with just a Patient smart card, this saves on time wasted in remembering and entering usernames and passwords and frees up more time for patient care. It also helps healthcare professionals to demonstrate that they are storing and managing patient details in a safe and secure way to comply with the Data Protection Act.